3D Rhino Commands – Guide #3

In this Video:

The 3D Rhino Commands from this tutorial that can be applied to your workflow and any project.

A command prompts the Rhino software to perform different functions to facilitate and speed 3D modeling. All commands can be entered into Rhino’s command line.

Software Used:

Rhino Commands in this Video:

FILLET – Makes an angle or edge rounded.

Activate the Fillet command in the Curve menu by selecting Fillet Curves.

GROUP – Joins multiple objects or curves into a group. 

Activate the command in the Edit menu, choose Groups, and click Group. 

FLOWALONGSRF – Flows a pattern or an object along an irregular surface.

Activate the FlowAlongSrf command in the Transform menu by selecting Flow along Surface.

HELIX – Makes a spiral.

Activate the command in the Curve menu and click on Helix.

JOIN – Joins multiple connected units.

Activate the Join command in the Edit menu by selecting Join.

LOFT – Creates a surface between 2 lines or shapes.

Activate the command in the Surface menu and click on Loft.

MAKE2D – Creates a line drawing of a 3D model from a specific view.

Activate the Make2D command in the Dimension menu by selecting Make 2-D Drawing.

MIRROR – Mirrors an object or drawing across a reference line.

Activate the command in the Transform menu and click on Mirror.

PICTUREFRAME – Places a picture in your workspace.

Activate the PictureFrame command in the Surface Menu by selecting Plane, and clicking on Picture Frame.

POLYLINE – Creates a continuous string of straight lines.

Activate the Polyline command in the Curve meny by selecting Polyline, and clicking  on Polyline Through Points on Mesh.

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