3D Rhino Commands – Guide #1
In this Video:
The Basic 3D Rhino Commands from this tutorial that can be applied to your workflow and any project.
A command prompts the Rhino software to perform different functions to facilitate and speed 3D modeling. All commands can be entered into Rhino’s command line.
Software Used:
The 3D Rhino Commands in this Video:
ALIGN – Aligns objects to a specified reference line.
The Align command is also activated in the Transform Menu by selecting Align.
ARRAY – Automatically copies and pastes objects that are equally spaced apart.
Activate the command in the Transform Menu, choose Array, and click on Rectangular.
BOOLEANUNIONÂ – Trims the shaded areas of selected polysurfaces or surfaces. This command also creates a single polysurface from the unshared areas.
The BooleanUnion command is also activated in the Solid Menu by selecting Union.
BOOLEAN2OBJECTS – Runs through the full list of boolean commands between 2 objects with mouse clicks. Objects should be fully closed solids and intersect with one another.
Activate the command in the Solid Menu and click on Boolean Two Objects.
EXTRUDECRVÂ – Gives height to a curve.
 ExtrudeCrv command is also activated in the Surface Menu by selecting Extrude Curve, and clicking on Straight.
EXTRUDESRF – Gives thickness to a surface.
Activate the command in the Solid Menu, choose Extrude Surface, and click on Straight.Â